Shrimps That Wont Attack

Amano shrimps can be kept in a specific gravity (SG) of 1.005 and lower. They will also leave your fish alone but sometimes might snatch their food away hich is quite funny.
By the way, if you are keeping Cories in slightly salty water make sure that the SG doesnt fluctuate and make sure you use the same amount all the time.
Otos dont like salt and cant handle it so ive heard.
I was wondering about the cory part too. From what I've heard, cories can't tolerate salt.

Besides the amano, there are also some filter-feeding shrimps that are brackish.
Those fish do not belong in slightly alty water, those fish often have problems with hard water.
What shrimps wont attack otos and cories and will tolerate salt?
why the salt,
bambo/rock shrimp are filter feeders, amano and ghost shrimp are alge eaters. lol you would need very small fish to have problems with most shrimp, though they could get stuck in the throat of some bigger ones i guess lol
i have got whats called a wood shrimp i think that dosnt attack anything it sits on a leaf most of the time lol
hmm so could i get a amanoor ghost shrimp inmy tankwith my cories they aren't in any salt though...
as far as i know they are freshwater shrimp, yep deffo fresh. again i ask whats with the salt?
What type of salt are you adding to the water? Aquarium salt, marine salt, table salt?
Also you shouldnt be adding the salt directly into the tank
B4 i even put in salt all my fish was dying..(mayb diesease)then when i put in salt, all germs are cured....Miracle lol

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