Shrimps Suicide


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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Just remembered about my Shrimp.

I have noticed that after they have shed their skin.

I find them a day or so later out of the tank and cooked by the lighting.

I know they like to harden their new skins out of water, But are they staying out of the water Tooo Long.

The lighting is on a Glass Shelf.

I can raise the Lighting Units onto Peices of Slate and Fill the Shelf with a Few CM's Of water.

Wil this help them or will it just make the shelf get covered in Algae.

I Really Like Having the Shrimp, But they Keep Killing Themselves.

Mr CLippers is Fine, He goes back into the Water.
I would imagine the shrimp are staying out too long because they dont want to be eaten as soon as they re enter the water by the butterfly fish and panchax you have. Both these fish are micro predators that prey on small fish and shrimps at the waters surface, i wouldnt recomend keeping shrimps in a tank containing these species unless they are intended as food.
Ok, Thanks for the Info.

Its no good trying to catch the 2 remaining shrimp.

Mr Clippers can take care of himself So I don't worry about him.

Won't Get any More Amano Shrimp.

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