Shrimps-Snail Medication- New Plants?


New Member
Oct 19, 2009
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Yesterday i added a hornwort bunch of plants from ebay to my 150l shrimp tank. A few hours later the shrimp started acting really weird letting the water wash them round and onto there backs and jumping when there was nothing there. I immediately thought there must have been something on the plants maybe snail medication since i know it is harful to shrimp i removed the plants and emptied about 100l of the water and refilled it today my shrimp seem back to normal. I have left the plants soaking in a vas overnight. I want these plants in to help with my nitrate but don't want to risk hurting my shrimp again. Does anyone know how to add these plants and how long i should leave them to soak for.
Im not too sure if this will work, as i have never had shrimp, but keep the plants in running water, rathjer than a bucket, this will allow the 'chemicals' to flow out. Cold water most probarly will work best.

Hope that works for you :D
do a big water change. don't use the plants, you can't know if they're safe.

buy plants from people you can trust and know are safe. or use cuttings of plants already in the tanjk.

i've had this happen before and it's killed half my shrimp. its not worth taking the risk.

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