Shrimps Pregnant


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
Like the topic says I noticed last week at least 1 cherry and 1 amano shrimp in my tank are pregnant and I just wondered how long it would be till they would give birth?
I'm not much of a shrimp person, so I have no idea on the length...But I do know that Amano shrimp need brackish water for the babies.

Best of luck with the babies, little shrimp are adorable. :wub:
Cherries take about 4 weeks to deliver and then drop perfect little miniture shrimp. I think amanos take the same time, maybe a bit longer, before dropping less developed shrimp (myasid stage?). The amano babies will only last a week or so in fresh water and then die if they aren't moved to strong brackish to develop.
thanks for the information and just another question to any1, because of seeing how easy they are to get pregnant i was thinking of setting up a cherry shrimp tank and just wondered what minimum size of tank was (i have a 5 gal not doning anything) and what the best subsrates and plants, etc for them are, oh and whether cherry shrimp can live well with apple snails and MTS too.
thanks for the information and just another question to any1, because of seeing how easy they are to get pregnant i was thinking of setting up a cherry shrimp tank and just wondered what minimum size of tank was (i have a 5 gal not doning anything) and what the best subsrates and plants, etc for them are, oh and whether cherry shrimp can live well with apple snails and MTS too.

Yup sounds like a plan, I'm hooked on them too.They breed fast and a 5gal would be fine for a little colony(couple of dozen or more at least).
Awesome and if they do breed too quickly I'm sure i would be able to sell, what kind of substrates would they need? its just gravel at the moment but as half went in to my community tank it doesnt even cover the bottom of the tank completely and do you know how they go with snails (apple and mts)?
Awesome and if they do breed too quickly I'm sure i would be able to sell, what kind of substrates would they need? its just gravel at the moment but as half went in to my community tank it doesnt even cover the bottom of the tank completely and do you know how they go with snails (apple and mts)?

Any substrate should be fine, darker kinds make them stand out more.They like their water slightly hard alkaline(your snails do too)and they are fine with snails.A little java moss is recommended too.

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