Shrimps Moulting


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
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Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
I've got 2 large algae/amano shrimp (about an inch or so) and about 4 or five small ones (only around a cm) and have had them all for about a month now i've never seen any moulted exoskeletons before and this morning theres about 4 full exoskeletons in the front of my tank.
I just wondered if the algae shrimp were know for moulting together and if there is anything i can do to aid them (I already treat the water with snailstrong liquid calcium).
I also wondered if i should take the exoskeletons out as some people have told me to leave them for the shrimp to eat themselves and some say to just get rid.
Any help much appreciated.
The only thing you can do is provide hiding places like caves, they need to hide after they moult.
I've personally not known shrimp for moulting together, i guess either it's a coincidence or some kind of chemical/temperature trigger? -_-
Usually the shrimp will just eat the shed, leave it in for 24 hours and take it out if its still there. Since you are providing a calcium supplement, they shouldent need to get the extra calcium from the old skins anyway :good: .
If you want to help your shrimp moult easily, you could think about giving them some form of iodine supplement -- same goes for any other crustaceans.

You can buy water treatments, kelp pellets... Or go to your local japanese supermarket and pick up some shrimp health food -- kombu seaweed (wash a couple of small pieces thoroughly and leave to soak separately for at least half an hour before giving them to the shrimp).

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