Shrimps + Guppies


Jun 28, 2007
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Hi Invertebrates, Amphibians & Aquatic Reptiles section,

I’m going to set up a 10 gallon planted guppy breeding tank. I was thinking on adding 1 shrimp. On my little research I have found that they like a little on the salty side. Do they? Also I've have found that they are coldwater fish. So my question is can I keep a shrimp with my guppies?
Hi Invertebrates, Amphibians & Aquatic Reptiles section,

I’m going to set up a 10 gallon planted guppy breeding tank. I was thinking on adding 1 shrimp. On my little research I have found that they like a little on the salty side. Do they? Also I've have found that they are coldwater fish. So my question is can I keep a shrimp with my guppies?

Add at least 5, if you have 1 then it will hide all the time & become stressed as it won't feel safe. Make sure you have 0 ammonia & nitrite otherwise they will die. Shrimp will surviove in tropical conditions, i have them in 26degrees. You can keep shrimp with any fish that wont nip or be able to fit the shrimp down it's throat in one gulp!
Hi Invertebrates, Amphibians & Aquatic Reptiles section,

I’m going to set up a 10 gallon planted guppy breeding tank. I was thinking on adding 1 shrimp. On my little research I have found that they like a little on the salty side. Do they? Also I've have found that they are coldwater fish. So my question is can I keep a shrimp with my guppies?

Most shrimp sold as freshwater won't need any salt. As far as i know only river shrimp (sold as live food normally) need salt in the water to survive long term. Shrimp like Anamo's only need salt when they are newly born, they live in freshwater as adults. Other dwarf shrimp like Cherry shrimp or Crystal Reds don't need salt at all.

I would agree with them being social. If you only have 1 shrimp it will be shy and hiding most of the time, but add a group of 5 and they will be more active.

As for temprature they are like fish, different shrimp like different temps but most do ok at normal tropical temps. I keep my Crystal Red shrimp at 22/23 C and my other shrimp in the community at 27 C.

Most shrimp will be safe with Guppies and Guppy Fry. The only ones that may cause problems are the long arm shrimp, also known as Macro shrimp.

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