Shrimps Been Attacked?


Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire England
Hi I have a small 34l tank set up and stupidly bought 5 rosy barbs without researching them. :blush: The lfs guy said 'Oh yes they'll be fine'. I put them in my 34l tank and 2 days later found 1 dead shrimp and 2 barely alive, got out the 2 barely alive ones and put them in small container floating on top, 24 hours later 1 died but the other is moving about very slowly. :( I took the barbs back to the shop and exchanged for 4 rasboras. Anyway my question is would the barbs have attacked the shrimps? They seem to have no marks on them and I didn't notice the barbs chasing them during the day. The tank stats are all fine. It's my own fault I know because after reading about rosy barbs they are not suitable for such a small tank even if they are the more peaceful of the barb family. Any ideas would be most appreciated. Thanks :sad: The only other fish in the tank are 2 dwarf corries.
yes the barbs would've attacked the shrimp as they view them as food.
Thanks for that Wolf, at least I know now what happened and will NOT repeat my mistake. I feel SO guilty. :sad: shrimps
What kind of shrimp are they? Ghost shrimp are known to just keel over for no reason. Most captive shrimp also have trouble molting, and can die from that. I just had a bamboo pass for no reason - he turned bright red and in 24 hours of not acting right he was dead. (Water stats fine, enough food, and nothing new in the tank.)

Shrimp are food for any fish that is bigger than it, so keep that in mind! Almost any tank-mate will eat shrimp, especially the small ones like amano and ghost.

The way that yours are acting don't sound like they've been victims of an attack - when a shrimp gets bitten the area will turn bright white, depending on the speicies. It sounds like some sort of water problem, IMO. And what affects shrimp does not affect fish.
They were amano shrimps. My water stats are ok and the shrimps were fine until I stupidly put the rosy barbs in. I think The Wolf is right, and I wont be getting barbs again I prefer a peaceful community tank, the rasboras are nice little friendy fish more suited to a little 34l tank. :)
They were amano shrimps. My water stats are ok and the shrimps were fine until I stupidly put the rosy barbs in. I think The Wolf is right, and I wont be getting barbs again I prefer a peaceful community tank, the rasboras are nice little friendy fish more suited to a little 34l tank. :)

What are your stats? Amano shrimp are very senstive to water quality.
Rosy barbs will outgrow a 34litre tank;
Tank stats are fine, its a well cycled tank and rosy barbs been returned to the lfs, will research fish better next time. This was one of those occassions when an impulse buy goes sadly wrong, will know better in future. Luckily the one remaining shrimp who survived the night floating on top of the tank in a plastic container survived and is now happlily swimming round with rasboras and dwarf corries, will get him some more friends soon. Thanks for all your replies. Brill site, never lets me down for excellent advice and doesn't condemn stupid acts!! :thanks:

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