Shrimps And Snails Together


- l l a m a s -
Mar 22, 2006
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British Columbia, Canada
Is there any reason I shouldn't keep snails and shrimp together?

I've got the snails, thinking about shrimp.

No fish in the tank and don't plan on putting any in there.. 10g.
Is there any reason I shouldn't keep snails and shrimp together?

I've got the snails, thinking about shrimp.

No fish in the tank and don't plan on putting any in there.. 10g.

What kind of shrimp and what kind of snails?I have kept trumpets and some of my girlfriends juvie apple snails with mine with no problems.Only thing I can see is shrimp like cherrys and bumblebees need softer acidic water and most snails need hard alkaline.
I've got some trumpet snails, some sort of small pond snail, and some larger pond snails on the way..

It is imperative that I keep the water soft for shrimps?

As I said I don't have shrimp yet so if they wont tolerate the water I wont get them.. just trying to find something to put with the snails that will be easy to move. IE - not fish.
i breed ghost shrimp in my inertabrate tank. it's also the tank where my best breeder snails are, and where all my snail eggs go to hatch. (mainly so they are born in a nice environment before going to the adult tub). they get along fine. and then i got my 2 freshwater clams, there so cute.. :blush:
I contacted the person about their cherry shrimp and they keep them basically in tap water.. 7.0.. they don't do anything special to the water..

Would it make sense to change the water?

The snails are basically in the same.. basic tap water nothing done to it.
Dude just get them. If there is a touch of iodine in the water then you will be fine even if you have hellish water chemistry. Shrimps are tough buggers, and Cherries are closely related to Amanos so I would assume that they are actually light brackish shrim as well, which leads me to believe that they can handle anything you can dish out.
Dude just get them. If there is a touch of iodine in the water then you will be fine even if you have hellish water chemistry. Shrimps are tough buggers, and Cherries are closely related to Amanos so I would assume that they are actually light brackish shrim as well, which leads me to believe that they can handle anything you can dish out.

Cherries are not closely related to amanos and are nowhere near as hardy so "hellish water chemistry" would result in dead cherries.

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