pirate monkey
Fish Crazy
I have also posted in NW cichlid forum, wasn't sure where best to post!
I have seen that there a some quite large species of shrimp available, some around 10" or so, and apparantly not too difficult to get hold of.
Would these larger species be ok in a cichlid tank, or would they just end up being an expensive meal? I have a severum, GT, 2 firemouths and a krib, also silver dollars and a gibby. GT and firemouths are juvies. I just like what a good job my amano's do in my community, would be great to have similar in with the big guys!
I have seen that there a some quite large species of shrimp available, some around 10" or so, and apparantly not too difficult to get hold of.
Would these larger species be ok in a cichlid tank, or would they just end up being an expensive meal? I have a severum, GT, 2 firemouths and a krib, also silver dollars and a gibby. GT and firemouths are juvies. I just like what a good job my amano's do in my community, would be great to have similar in with the big guys!