Fish Crazy
Hello there
I am planning in the near future to downsize (due to room) to a little Shrimp Tank
i want to have a little hoard of Shrimps but id like to have a mix of species.
i have these questions:
What shrimp species can i keep together? i want to stay quite small with my shrimp
Alot of sites say they need a well planted tank. i did want to have rocks the ones with all the little holes) and sand, but if they need plants then ill add them -do they have to me real? or can fake do.
or are shrimp ok with no plants if they are the only species and have special food?
- aslo what size tank do i need? while i want to keep as small as possible id idealy like to house about 7-10 shrimp.
and i dont want to cramp them!
- does dimentions matter with shrimp tanks? ie. more wider than taller etc?
I am planning in the near future to downsize (due to room) to a little Shrimp Tank
i want to have a little hoard of Shrimps but id like to have a mix of species.
i have these questions:
What shrimp species can i keep together? i want to stay quite small with my shrimp
Alot of sites say they need a well planted tank. i did want to have rocks the ones with all the little holes) and sand, but if they need plants then ill add them -do they have to me real? or can fake do.
or are shrimp ok with no plants if they are the only species and have special food?
- aslo what size tank do i need? while i want to keep as small as possible id idealy like to house about 7-10 shrimp.
and i dont want to cramp them!
- does dimentions matter with shrimp tanks? ie. more wider than taller etc?