Shrimpages :)


Fish Fanatic
Oct 3, 2008
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Current tank occupants:

9x Golden White Cloud Mountain Minnow
5x Neon Tetra
1x Ember Tetra (he hangs around with the above lot, hehehe)
1x Scissortail Rasbora
1x Black Skirt Tetra
5x Otocinclus
far too many trumpet snails...

in a 48"w x12"d x15h" tropical tank with fluval 4+, Koralia 900l/hr tropical planted tank:


So at the moment I know nada when it comes to shrimp. Other than they're cute & might like hanging around my plants. :) I wouldn't be buying any 'til at least September, so have plenty time to research 'em.. but before I get stuck in... Are any of my current fish likely to view them as lunch?!

Cheers ;)
there great to have around and a whole big group is a great assest to a tank....none of your fish at the moment will eat them ....all should be well .....but if you add more fish for some reason dont add botia species and carefuly look at what loach species you add although alot look the same there different .....but you should be fine!...enjoy!
there great to have around and a whole big group is a great assest to a tank....none of your fish at the moment will eat them ....all should be well .....but if you add more fish for some reason dont add botia species and carefuly look at what loach species you add although alot look the same there different .....but you should be fine!...enjoy!

Thanks for your help.. I've done some reading here since I was directed here from the planted section & I agree it's probably OK. I'm not planning on getting any larger fish than the ones I currently have - I like the mini ones, so any further inhabitants will likely be more neons or ember tetras. The shrimp will probably end up bigger than they do! :lol:
Now all I have to do is learn which type are best suited to my water conditions & learn how to look after them! :good:
there great to have around and a whole big group is a great assest to a tank....none of your fish at the moment will eat them ....all should be well .....but if you add more fish for some reason dont add botia species and carefuly look at what loach species you add although alot look the same there different .....but you should be fine!...enjoy!

Thanks for your help.. I've done some reading here since I was directed here from the planted section & I agree it's probably OK. I'm not planning on getting any larger fish than the ones I currently have - I like the mini ones, so any further inhabitants will likely be more neons or ember tetras. The shrimp will probably end up bigger than they do! :lol:
Now all I have to do is learn which type are best suited to my water conditions & learn how to look after them! :good:

Cherry shrimp are the easiest shrimp, so most beginners start with them. Amano shrimp are also cool, but a touch more sensitive. They need brackish water to breed, so you won't get baby shrimpies, but Cherries will breed readily :good:

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