

New Member
Oct 1, 2012
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Just wondering what kind of shrimp would suit coldwater? I've read that most of them do just that they don't breed?
So if someone could give me a list if shrimps that I could keep. Tank is always (20c)
It will really help people to give you a list of shrimp that will handle cold water if you let us know which country your in, depending on where you are will greatly influence what you will ba able to have.

Also are you intending on keeping the shrimp in a pond or cold water aquarium? If in a pond then there is real potential that non native species of shrimp could escape into local water ways from a pond overflowing during a heavy rain event or even flooding.
From memory the UK has cracked down on many crayfish (which aren't fish friendly any way) and only I think a couple of Australian native types are allowed to be kept and traded.

As for which shrimp could survive cold water it really depends how cold your talking about. Many Macrobrachium species will tolerate the cold quite well as will Australian glass shrimp. If the water wasn't getting too cold even crystal red shrimp would probably do well since they really struggle at temps higher than 25 degrees cel.
IME Cherry shrimp, ammano Shrimp will survive in room temperature water.

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