

Fish Addict
Dec 28, 2005
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Just wanted to know, seen as my larger shrimp died (fan shrimp, stress) if i could have anymore shrimp? (tank in sig). I was thinking:

-3 Tiger shrimp
-3 cherry/blue shrimp
-And maybe another larger fan shrimp, not sure?

Also my tank is about 60-70% planted.
Blue shrimp are a bad idea, because apparently the colour isnt supposed to be natural, and they are very sensitive.
Your red tail shark and kulhi loaches will eat tiger/cherry shrimp - these are very small shrimp.
How long has your tank been set up? I think personally that your tank is too small for fan shrimp, but bamboo shrimp maybe ok for it.
Your red tail shark and kulhi loaches will probably eat your existing shrimp when they shed, or just as soon as the fish are big enough :/ .
Isn't blue the natural coloring of the shrimp that cherries were originally bred from? Or were they translucent?

Also, the bamboo shrimp is a fan shrimp.
Isn't blue the natural coloring of the shrimp that cherries were originally bred from? Or were they translucent?

Also, the bamboo shrimp is a fan shrimp.
I believe Wild Cherries are brownish in coloring :good:
The page on "Blue Shrimp" in the Shrimp Varieties section at says the following:
This Neocaridina sp. is commonly imported and sold as "blue shrimp" or "blue neocaridina." As seen in the last three pictures above the imported animals are usually a nice blue color. However, the blue color is not passed on to their offspring. Hence, the blue color of the imported animals must be artificial. Either the shrimp are fed some type of food color that permanently colors the tissue of the shrimp or the shrimp have a food item in their habitats that gives them the blue coloration. Whatever the color is, it's definitely not natural and not hereditary. All the "blue shrimp" offered for sale are either this species or one of many closely related Neocaridina sp. that have been colored blue in the above described manner. Either way, in addition to the fact that these imported animals are usually in a terrible shape and die within a few days or weeks, none of them will produce blue offspring if you are lucky enough to keep them alive and get them to breed. Currently, there is no real blue shrimp in the hobby anywhere in the world.

Having said that the captive-bred offspring look very attractive even without the blue body coloration of the imported animals. The different white and black patterns on this shrimp's body give it a very ornate look. In contrast to the imported blue shrimp, the captive-bred animals are very hardy and as easy to breed as the red cherry shrimp.

This shrimp will hybridize with all other Neocaridina species and should be kept separately from them.

So, IMO they are a waste of money ;) And yes those fish will most likely eat your shrimp ;) And EVERYONE of those fish WILL eat any shrimp fry.
I got given a couple of blues as my cherry order got messed up and they were to compensate.They were very blue but didnt look natural and after a few weeks(molts)ended up a kind of brown/red.
Yes, ive had my two amanos for a year. So your all wrong...also kulhi loaches are harmless...

Cheers anyway.
Also, the bamboo shrimp is a fan shrimp.
I know ;) . That's why I asked how old the tank was......
He said "larger fan shrimp". Bamboo shrimp are the most commonly seen fan shrimp in shops, and are the smallest type of fan shrimp commercially available.
So when he said "larger fan shrimp" i assumed that he meant something larger, like a camaroon armoured shrimp - something not really suited to that size of tank :) .

Yes, ive had my two amanos for a year. So your all wrong...also kulhi loaches are harmless...

Cheers anyway.
:lol: That's not the smartest post I've ever read for multiple reasons :rolleyes: .
Your amano shrimp are just lucky, or are simply good at finding hiding places.
Kuhli loaches are defiantly not harmless to a shrimp that has just moulted, most fish aren't. The fact that they are able to reach the shrimps hiding places easier than other fish makes them more dangerous to a freshly moulted shrimp.
Red tailed sharks will have more difficulty finding and reaching freshly moulted shrimp, but when they are full size could easily eat an amano shrimp if they wanted.
Cherry and tiger shrimp are even more susceptible to being eaten, and because fan shrimp (whichever type) are bigger than both amanos and the other two species, they will find it harder to find a suitable hiding place from any of your fish.
If you want to waste your money of expensive live food, then nothing is stopping you though :good: .
'Another peaceful Loach that will suit any peaceful community.'
My shrimp never seem to hide and are ignored by ALL tank mates even when just moulted. Cheers anyway though...
'Another peaceful Loach that will suit any peaceful community.'
And if you can find a quote from an unnamed source, you must be right! In soviet Russia, source quote YOU!!
I've seen a bunch of 2 inch kuhlis rip shrimp's your risk...but there are living animals involved.
I got that quote on here, in the index. From a retired mod with other 4000 posts. :), also where have you seen kuhis 'rip shrimp apart'?
Right :good: . The index is kinda right when is says "any community", but it should say 'most' communities. Shrimp aren't generally considered part of a community tank, when shrimp moult, they are extremely fragile and almost any fish could have a go at them.
I've seen kuhli's tear up and eat amano shrimp at one of my lfs's.
And I've even seen a betta eat an amano shrimp the same size as itself at the lfs I work in.
Though later on the betta got ill was killed and eaten by the amanos in the same tank :rolleyes:.
Right, ok. :good:
Ill see what they carry at the lfs. Just out of curiosity which lfs do you work at?
'The Aquatic Center' though on the front it says 'Aquacadabera 2', its opposite meadowbank stadium, if you live in Edinburgh :).
'The Aquatic Center' though on the front it says 'Aquacadabera 2', its opposite meadowbank stadium, if you live in Edinburgh :).

No way I was there for the Snow Patrol gig in summer too and didnt even know of that one(went to a good one on Leith Walk called Aquatic Room or something).

Actually is it on a corner cos I might have been in once.
Yep, it's on a corner :good: .'Aquatic Rooms' is very good too and has some advantages, but where I work has a much larger marine section, more aquatic plants (though tbh not that great compared to pets@home who stock tropica), generally more fw inverts and if your into reptiles/insects/amphibians/spiders it does loads of those too.

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