I bought 3 shrimp today but i cant remember what kind they are. anyway one of them is carrying eggs, what happens now?? where will she lay them? will they hatch?
just done some searching and i think they are amano shrimp
I bought 3 shrimp today but i cant remember what kind they are. anyway one of them is carrying eggs, what happens now?? where will she lay them? will they hatch?
just done some searching and i think they are amano shrimp
tbh i wasnt fussed about baby shrimp as i was concerned they'd take over the tank but the bloke at the store said even if they did hatch the other fish would eat them
If you want to keep the babies you need to move the female shrimp, eggs still attached to a quarantine tank with some hiding places, bare bottom and a sponge filter and add some aquarium salt to the water.
Follow this guide, its completely documented on feeding, water conditions etc.
The amano shrimp also goes by the name of japanese marsh shrimp. Its where they are naturally from and the water there is brackish. They are not truly perfectly adapted to the freshwater tank.
thanx chris! i dont think i will try and raise the babies, tbh i like shrimp but im not fussed about raising them although it would be interesting, however setting up my second tank may not go down well with my other half lol
If you want to get some shrimp that will breed in the tank then Cherry Shrimp are the best bet, they breed like crazy and if the babies can hide they will grow very quickly.
I have about 6 of them at the moment and they are gorgeous.