Shrimp, Tolerant Of Acidic Water.


Chuck, Leader Of Ze People.
Nov 9, 2009
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As a nice difference in my tank, Im after adding some shrimp (Not equipped for crabs, nor am I experianced enough to keep them)
At first, I thought Amano shrimp would be a nice little addition, but I understand they prefer more alkaline water.
My water is a 6.2 pH, is there any Shrimp (or other invertebrates) that would be good for my tank and reasonably easy to keep?

Thanks, James.
I keep crystal red and crystal black shrimp as well as some bee shrimp in 6.2 ph as they need lower ph values as to ease of keeping they can be triky and they need very good water to thrive also fish can find them as a tasty and expensive snack apart from ottos.
I keep mine in their own tank for easier keeping as a lot of meds used for fish can kill them.
Iam sure there are other shrimp that like a low ph i am no expert on shrimp species but hopefully some of the guys can help you more.
Thanks for your reply LeakInTank.

I'd love to have them in my main tank to be honest. Just want a nice difference from fish for once you know?
Ahh well, I'll keep looking.

Does anyone know wether Amano's are okay in Acidic water? Or was what I read correct.

Thanks, James.

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