Shrimp Tank


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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hi, i curently have my 38l tank as a fry tank, but i was thinking if i put some substrate down, a few plants and some wood/rocks etc, i could have shrimps in there as well. however i want shrimps that will not eat platy and molly fry (if that is at allpossible) i have amano's in my main tank and know they will probably eat the fry. some small shrimps will be cool- cherries? any suggestions.

oh and last question, will amano's eat fully grown ramshorn snails? i thunk they will eat the smaller ones but not sure about big ones!
Amano aren't as evil as you seem to think they are. I've not heard of them killing fry before. They will eat one that is already dead but I don't think they could kill one.

I have never seen mine eating snails either, if they do its not enough to have an impact on their numbers.

Any Dwarf shrimp should be fine in the tank, it all depends on what you can find!
cool thanks. i might start up a shrimp tank. so amano's will be good. i feed them veggies so they shouldnt feel the need to even go after any fry. so you think cherries will be good as well? i am going to use my ramshorns as a source of food when i get a loach or 2. but they might eat my amanos so i will move hem to the small tank.
cool thanks. i might start up a shrimp tank. so amano's will be good. i feed them veggies so they shouldnt feel the need to even go after any fry. so you think cherries will be good as well? i am going to use my ramshorns as a source of food when i get a loach or 2. but they might eat my amanos so i will move hem to the small tank.

Cherrys are great, they breed like rabbits!

They are fry safe... the person i bought mine from was breeding them in the same tank as some endlers!
do they eat algae? i take it they dont!
cool, i might invest. do they need a substrate at the bottom of the tank? as it is easy to clean without it! what size do they grow to? what do i need in the tank with them? wood, rocks?

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