Shrimp Tank Advice


Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2008
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Been getting some mixed advice on this one so thought i would ask on here.
I am in the process of setting up a small shrimp tank, my question is if i dont have a lid / hood on the tank will the shrimps attempt to escape?
Presumably providing i have no bogwood / plants sticking up out of the water i should be ok?
They may try to escape, amanos are good at escaping, mostly if there is a problem with the water but they can go walkabout when nothing seems to be wrong. When you put the shrimp in I would cover the tank for the first few days or lower the water level a couple of centimetres, CRS, tigers and cherrys dont jump out unless there is something in the water they don't like once used to the new tank. They dont always crawl out they can just jump if they get startled, mostly they crawl out. If you see them swimming against the filter flow a lot they have decided to go 'up river' so they would then be at risk of jumping out. I have uncovered shrimp tanks and once they are settled they are usually fine.
Thanks for the reply, very helpfull. I have a cover I could use to begin with untill they are settled etc.
Is there a reason you don't want to use a lid? It would be better to use one as it stops dust and other stuff getting into the water and also cuts down on the evaporation rates. I have a 2 ft shrimp tank and keep a lid on it I would be wary about keeping the lid off because they are quite sensitive.

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