Shrimp Suggestions Please


Rattie tat tat
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
Berkshire, UK
I have 6 Amanos,all is well and good with them but I want more shrimp of another variety. I did buy 6 cherries the other week,I thought they went into hiding after my female bettas started chasing them but it turns out that all 6 were gobbled up by my bettas :sad:

What other shrimp would go ok in my tank? Nothing as small as cherries or crystals,that would just be an expensive meal for my sorority :blink:
Are you sure that your bettas got the *ahem* betta of them (sorry -couldn't resist it)

I lost my cherries for a month - then they reappeared! I had torn the tank apart looking for them... but they found somewhere to hide
Yeah, I took out everything,even the substrate to change it, I went through the sand carefully and no sign of them :sad:
Red claw macro shrimp? :p they can get to like 3 inches though and might possibly snip at your other fish although they do get on with other fish.

Maybe bamboo shrimp, they can get up to 11cm but do need a mature tank really + a little place to sit infront of the water current to pick up microscopic food. Also harmless to other fish and unless you get them small they should be ok with other fish. They have awesome little fans as hands :)

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