Shrimp Stocking Advice


New Member
Sep 11, 2010
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St. Albans UK
Bought myself the fluval 7.9 gallon shrimp starter tank today and i've been looking for stocking information but can't seem to find anything. I am totally new to shrimp keeping and though I have some knowledge of dwarf shrimp species, I have no idea on stocking. How many shrimp can a 7.9 gallon tank comfortably hold?

To give you some idea of the species i'm considering: Tiger shrimp
Yellow shrimp
Blue tiger shrimp
Cherry shrimp

i will only get 2 species at the max and i understand that some species should not be mixed like the cherry shrimp and the yellow shrimp, and also that some are more sensitive than others. Of course I wont add any until my tank has fully cycled, i'm just planning. So, long post but basically, how many shrimp in a 7.9 gallon tank?

Oh also, any plant reccomendations? something good for shrimp and a small tank.

Oh and one more thing. How many should i add at a time?
Bought myself the fluval 7.9 gallon shrimp starter tank today and i've been looking for stocking information but can't seem to find anything. I am totally new to shrimp keeping and though I have some knowledge of dwarf shrimp species, I have no idea on stocking. How many shrimp can a 7.9 gallon tank comfortably hold?

To give you some idea of the species i'm considering: Tiger shrimp
Yellow shrimp
Blue tiger shrimp
Cherry shrimp

i will only get 2 species at the max and i understand that some species should not be mixed like the cherry shrimp and the yellow shrimp, and also that some are more sensitive than others. Of course I wont add any until my tank has fully cycled, i'm just planning. So, long post but basically, how many shrimp in a 7.9 gallon tank?

Oh also, any plant reccomendations? something good for shrimp and a small tank.

Plants: Moss(Java, weeping, spike, etc), Hornwort, Najas Grass, are some easy plants that are great for shrimp. You can stock many shrimp in your tank. You could 50 or more. I know that seems like too many but they have a very low bioload and you don't have to feed them much. As long as you have different plants and things for them to sit on, they are fine to be with many of their own kind. I have about 50 cherry shrimp in my 5g at the moment but I had almost 100 before I sold a few the last time. Make sure that you do weekly water change of 50% as shrimp like clean water. They also like a stable temperature but it's ok if you don't have a heater as long as the temp doesn't wildly fluctuate.

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