Shrimp Safe Meds

Dana C

Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2005
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I was wondering which meds were safe to use with amano shrimp and nerite snails. I need to add a bacterial med to my tank and can't find the shrimps to take them out.

I have read that melafix is ok but was wondering about myxazin and primafix.

Thanks in advance for any comments.
FYI, if it'a a bacterial bloom, the best way to combat it is to buy a bag of live daphnia and add it to the tank (cover the filter intake with some sponge or cloth first). Daphnia, together with the copepods that invariably come with them, eat bacteria Enough of them should clear up a bloom fairly quickly, while providing a tasty meal for your fish. They'll start to die off when your bacteria levels fall, and then your shrimp will get them.

It's good to have a few copepods in your tank anyway. They usually have a hand in clearing up bacterial problems...
I have a couple of rainbow fish that have a small flap of skin hanging from there bottom lip. It looks a bit better today without adding anything but I just wanted to know what was safe to use if it did get worse.
Personally, I'd remove them to a smaller hospital tank for a while till they recover. Then you only have to worry about the fish themselves. From what I've heard, antibacterial things have a habit of wiping out your filter bacteria too, and that would just be a pain...

Sorry, I'm not sure if there even are any shrimp safe meds. No one seems to cater for the poor things... Though I notice you say amanos and nerites. Both species can tolerate some salt (in fact, I think most nerites prefer brackish water...), so if you need to use tonic salt, it should be ok, provided you add it slowly.

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