

Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2005
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Just a few questions. First is the pictured shrimp Amano, was bought as algea shrimp and I am not sure so would like comfrimation.

Would amano shrimp happy in a sub tropical aquarium that is usually above 22C?

Are cherry and amano shrimp river shrimp i.e do they like water movement in their tank?

Is there anything you can feed shrimp to bring out their colours/ keep them healthy.

And finally I would like to breed cherry shrimp but only have two do you think I should ask for my LFS to order me another dozen in. This should cost about £12

They "look" like Amano shrimp, but can't be sure without a better closer picture.

I would say you'd have a far better success breeding cherry shrimp with more than two to start off with :)

I don't know about cherry shrimp, but amano's seem to enjoy a little current and should be fine up to 25C, but I think they prefer slightly lower temperatures. A variety of food will keep them healthy with vibrant colours - mine tuck into absolutely everything.
Thanks I better listen to you. You seem to have a way with shrimp. Hopefully I will get a breeding group of cherries up and running soon. They are pretty much supposed to take care of them selfs and special food isn't neccasary.

My "Amanos" will go into my coldwater tank. I think if I get a female carrying eggs I wil have a go at raising them. None of the high teck stuff though. I will just try cooking salt (apparently it can be done). Don't think I could afford to buy all the proper stuff.
:crazy: thanks, but this is all pretty new to me - I'm a fast learner though ;) I'm certainly no shrimp expert but have learnt a lot about them.

I don't think you have to high tech it - nature doesn't ;-)

Good luck :thumbs:
There's a website that has a lot of useful info on (mostly freshwater) shrimp including Amanos and Red Cherries. Get more Red Cherries to make sure you have at least one male and one female. The RCs I had like a small current (created by a sponge filter) but not a heavy current. The Amanos don't seem to care one way or the other. Once the RCs find their living quarters are good, they will breed regularly (females will start to carry golden eggs, very pretty against the red) and in about 2-3 weeks, you'll have babies, except you might not be able to see them unless some decide to graze teh side of the glass (they are just these little pinkish beings about the size of this comma,). As with most things, the deep rich red has to be breed in but you can enhance the red color by exposing the shrimp to light (sunlight but that will also heat up the tank, tank light is good though).

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