I have 6 ghost shrimp in a 30 gallon long. Would it be possible to add some cherry shrimp?
I've seen "don't do it" and "it's ok" about keeping them together on different sites so i'm confused.
Would the ghost eat the adult cherry shrimp? The cherry shrimp are too expensive to be eaten, lol.
If I can't put them together I have another tank for the ghost shrimp, but it would be smaller.
It depends what species you mean by "ghost shrimp" - this common name is used for a lot of different species, ranging from the peaceful and small Palaemonetes paludosus frequently found in US pet stores, to Macrobrachium lanchesteri more often found in UK stores that will demolish adult cherry shrimp. Keep in mind that most shrimp are tiny when you buy them and if you accidental buy a large species...it will grow.
Make sure to Google image search the species and be able to identify which one you want. If necessary bring a print out of pictures for ID or put them on your phone for when your at an LFS .
Heres a Macrobrachium lanchesteri finishing off an adult female cherry shrimp: