Shrimp Questions.

The Mottfish

Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
Bristol, UK.
I'm currently planning to set up a 20g. planted tank and have a few questions.

I was wondering if it were possible to add shrimp near enough straight away, would this be OK? (Do shrimp need the same water requirements as fish?)

At first I didn't want to add shrimp because, on more than one occasion, I've gone into a LFS to see a shrimp trying to 'eat' fish. I once saw an Amano shrimp eating a female Blue ram alive as the male Ram looked on helplessly as the shrimp shredded the females fins very quickly. (I've always wanted to keep shrimp but this has always put me off.) Has any1 ever had this happen to them in there own tanks?

What species could you recommend? (Looking for something small)

Many thanks. :good:

(Am looking to add the shrimp to combat algae!)
If it's well-planted from the start, you'd just go into a silent cycle. Should be fine, since shrimp wouldn't produce more ammonia than the plants would consume.

Are you sure what you saw was an amano? I've never heard of them taking on something the size of a Ram.

You could try the cherry red shrimp. Peaceful, good algae eater and cheap. They reach only 1" though and would make easy prey for larger fish.
Thanks for the reply. :good:

The biggest fish I'd be getting would be a trio of Apisto's. Cherry red shrimp sound good so I guess I'll get some of them. (Probably the most colourful too.) The tank will hopefully be heavily planted.

'twas definately an Amano shrimp although it was much larger than all the others in the tank. Very unpleasent it was.

I read somewhere that Shrimp don't count towards your fish count? Is this true.

Thanks again.

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