New Member
Hello all!
I just purchased 4 shrimps (freshwater; very small) for my tank. Im sorry i dont know the species of it but they are just like any other shrimp. My tank mates are: Serpae Tetras, Bala Sharks, Livebearers, and an algae eater. I put my 5 shrimps in and in an hour, i could not find them! Were they eaten ? If so, by what? Or are they just hiding in the dark? I really appreciate your help!!!
I just purchased 4 shrimps (freshwater; very small) for my tank. Im sorry i dont know the species of it but they are just like any other shrimp. My tank mates are: Serpae Tetras, Bala Sharks, Livebearers, and an algae eater. I put my 5 shrimps in and in an hour, i could not find them! Were they eaten ? If so, by what? Or are they just hiding in the dark? I really appreciate your help!!!