Shrimp Problem


Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2006
Reaction score
Chicago, USA
Hi, I have recently bought 4 ghost shrimp to go in my nano 4 gallon moss/ java fern holding tank. When I got the shrimp I noticed that one of the had a white strand inside of its body, so I right away knew that something might be wrong and I knew that it might be a tape worm, or the white food that they fed the shrimp at the lfs. Well today I noticed a 6 inch long tapeworm squirming around in the tank, so i scooped it out and put it in an old fish food container( empty ofcourse). Now I am worried that the other shrimp will get tapewroms too, since tapeworm reproduce quickly. I was wondering if I can still put the plants that are in my nano back into my community tank, and if not then what can I do to fix this?
People shouldent expect an answer for everything. As I've mentioned earlier in a thread, for you to get an answer to your question there is a condition that has to be met-someone has to read your topic that knows an answer.

Maybe you should have posted it in a different forum, like the tropical fish emergency's section, where more people would know about tapeworms and how to deal with them :) .

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