Shrimp Prices


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Retired Moderator ⚒️
Oct 12, 2009
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Lincoln uk
Have been admiring CRS's for while and I have been out of town today, I came across a MA in a garden center near Brigg and they had some in, I ended up buying some. They were 3 for £20! I did do a bit of bartaring like everyone should in MA, and got 4 for £20. I know the are graded, these appear to be an "A" grade. I also saw some cherries in there for £3 each! Also some ninjas @ £10 each. I have some ninjas in my small tank, they weren't this expensive though. Is it me or have shrimp prices gone through the roof?

What prices do you see shrimp at and what part of the country?
The only LFS that carries red cherry shrimp near me sells them for about 6 or 7$
CRS are usually £14 for 3, RCS are £11 for 3...none of them cheap really for what they are. :no:

I`m not majorly bothered about them being perfect or specifically graded to be honest even though I think mine are Grade A and B :unsure:
I just like the look of them :)
Amanos are 3 for £10 in most of the lfs in and around Lincoln. Theres also Bamboo's at 2 for a £14 in my local MA.

Grade S CRS at one of my LFS's £18 each. :(

thats almost Marine prices!

they are nice though.
i know paddock farm stock shrimp
the had some cherries in for £3 or £4
and the was some other plainer
looking shrimp smaller ones for about
£2.50 i will find out what they are this week
and post them on here i have noticed
in other shop they have started stocking them
and putting high prices on them
Forgot, my LFS sell lovely Blue Tiger Shrimp for £10 each
Amano`s at my local MA are 3 for £12 or Bamboo Shrimp are £8 each! :crazy:
Amanos are 3 for £10 in most of the lfs in and around Lincoln. Theres also Bamboo's at 2 for a £14 in my local MA.

Grade S CRS at one of my LFS's £18 each. :(

thats almost Marine prices!

they are nice though.

I had a bamboo shrimp called bubba lol, just disapeared one day, never even found his corpse :(. Also best shrimp I ever had were African Armoured/Boxing Shrimp, bit like bamboo's but the size of small crayfish with out the claws and bluey colour. Really awesome watching their little mittons sifting through the water bit like bamboo's do but they dont keep them still. They were £15 each at MA.
World Of Water Rugby - CRS £4 each, Ninja £5 Each, Red Nose £3 each.

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