Shrimp Or Snails?


New Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Chicago, IL
I have a 3.5 gal Eclipse system with the Bio-wheel, and it's currently stocked with a crowntail betta, a long finned rosy barb, and an African dwarf frog. The betta is extremely peaceful (he doesn't give a hoot about the other fish or the frog unless the rosy barb decides to pester him a bit) and the rosy barb doesn't touch my ADF either.

My question is, would adding shrimp just be a surefire way to get them eaten, and if so, would adding a snail or two be like shooting myself in the foot for keeping my substrate a bit cleaner between tank cleanings?

I'm not having algae problems or problems with a very dirty tank or anything, I'm just curious. I love the idea of having shrimp or snails in my tank to watch along with the fish and frog. :)

So! Long story short, any suggestions/advice/etc would be truly welcomed. Thanks in advance!
Okay, thanks! I'll keep an eye out on Ebay and such and try to find one. :) Apparently they are rather prolific! You don't think they'll overrun my tank, do you?
It's a small tank, so there won't be much built-up detritus.

You'll likely get a few extra, but not many. It's wouldn't be hard to control them anyway, in that tank if you wanted to remove some.
I'd suggest either MTS or Ramshorn Snails. If you don't feed them and leave them only to leftover food and detritus, they shouldn't overrun your tank.

I'd recommend rehoming the Barb as well.
id recommend either rehoming the frog or getting another 1 they are more at home in groups. I had one in my tank then bought another 3 and they love it.
I did have two frogs originally, and she actually seems happier now that she's alone. XD She moves around a lot more.

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