Shrimp Noob !


Fish Herder
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham UK
When I started this game, shrimps were things you ate at the seaside ! Now ive come back, there seems a choice of freshwater shrimps to choose from ! Id like to add these to my soon to be populated community tank... can someone please give me a quick idiots guide ? ie which to get, when to add them etc ?

Tank is 4 foot, planted with sand substrate.

What fish species will be housed with the shrimp? Many fish will eat shrimps, so shrimps may not even be an option for your tank.

Freshwater shrimp are all scavengers, stay small, require algae in their diets (some more than other depending on the species), and are peaceful. Some species like ghost shrimp are very cheap (as low as 10 cents) while others like Singapore Flowers can go as high as $15.

Amano shrimp, Cherry fire shrimp, and Singapore flower shrimp have huge appetites for almost all kinds of algae, so these may be a good choice for your planted tank. Ghost shrimp consume little algae, but are great clean up crews picking bits of food out of the subtrate. Many shrimps are quite hardy, so adding them as the first inhabitants in a newly cycled tank will probably have no effects on them.

This is a good site for shrimp i have amano, cherry and fan shrimp and they are great, i have the cherry in with some baby apple snails as they are a bit small at the minute and i don't want the fish to eat them. Another good shrimp is the cameroon armoured fan shrimp if you have bigger fish, they grow up to 6 inches, mine died last year and i haven't found any more since.

Emma :)

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