Shrimp Molted!


Fish Addict
Dec 28, 2005
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One of my amano shrimp just molted, and at the moment the shells just floating around the tank. Do i fish it out or will the shrimp eat it later?
When you do a water change just hoover it up? Not sure anyone wants to eat it. Not in my tank anyway.
Nearly all lobsters, shrimp and crabs that I've seen molt did eat their shell to regain what may have been lost nutrition. I usually see the molt at the bottom of the tank, though, as opposed to floating.

v/r, N-A
both my shimps molted and seem to eat their skin!
It will probably be a good idea if you buy some liquid aquarium multi-vitamin/mineral supliment right now and put it in the tank as it will help your shrimp regain and grow back his shell, shrimp can often become mal-nourished through the molting process.
Yeah, thanks.
The shell was layed on the gravel being pushed by the current. By the way its gone now. My shrimp has seemed to got bigger too.

Thanks again for your help.

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