Shrimp Mistake?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
South Wales.Rhondda.
I bought 3 tiny shrimps ages ago as algae eating shrimps.However they have grown BIG and don't seem interested in algae at all.When i put food in they rush out towards it and fish are warned off by their snappy little pinchers.The biggest of the 3 is now carrying lots of eggs.What are they if not algae shrimps?They are now at 2-3 inches long.Will they get bigger and will they attack the fish if they do?This is what one looks like.
Get rid asap!! they arent algae shrimp, I had a similiar one.

As they get bigger they get reaaly fast, and they eat your fish.
It's Grabit the shrimp! You could always buy them a separate tank and see how things go from there?
Hi Rach.You've found out my secret on how i get top info on my various fish,from the experts on here. :hey: :hey:

Grabit has 2 friends now as the guy in the shop told me they like company.
I hate to get rid of them as they are doing so well and grown lots. They are also very tame and come up to the top to be handfed.I think from the advice i've been given a new tank is the only option.I was abit confused as they do eat algae but only the tufty type which they pull off with their pinchers but also eat fish flakes and bloodworms.They have also decimated the snail population apart from the malaysian trumpet snails and the nerites both of which have trap door covers.
I don't know how big they are likely to get, but I expect they'd do fine in an 18"x10"x10" tank or something similarly sized. Maybe a 24"x12"x12" if you have the space. Provided they have a reasonable filter on there etc. a smallish tank would probably be fine. Plus if you ever get a snail problem in your main tank you could just collect them up and sling them in with Grabit and Co.!

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