Shrimp Living Alone


New Member
Jan 1, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
hi! i just got a 10 gallon tank for my birthday which is now cycleing, but i really dont want any fish so i have decided to get some shrimp. but it soon struck me "Can shrimp live without any fish?" i imagine yes, because that is how they are at my LFS, but if they are wrong i really dont want to continue their carless mistake.

If the answer is yes, what kind of shrimp? so i can do some research, also another question, if they can live in a tank alone, does the tank have to be cycled (ps i cycle fishless thanks to a great post on this forum)

Thank you for tanking the time to read this :D :D :) :)
Most shrimp would be much happier in a tank on their own. Yeah it needs to be cycled lots of shrimp are even more sensitive to water conditions than fish. Cherry shrimp are great quite hardy and should breed if the water is okay. They like some moss in the tank. You could keep most shrimp in that tank. Cherry, crystal red, tiger, bee, amano rednose, to name a few.
Yeah it is true, a shrimp only tank creates a stress-free environment for the shrimp. Plus, if you want those shrimp to breed then fish are def. not recommended as any fish will eat them. And you should prob put in some Java Moss and some Anarchis in their :) Cherry Red Shrimp are a great starter shrimp and they are a beautiful red color (especially the females) and best of all they breed like rabbits!! :hyper: I hope to have a Cherry Red Shrimp colony of my own very soon :) :good:
Most shrimps can can get along with medium to small size fish. Although the shrimp babies will more likely get eaten. The only fish that can really be kept with shrimps are oticinclus. I keep RCS (Red Cherry Shrimp) with amanos, bamboo, and otocinclus in two tanks, with the exception of one tank, I also keep them with L-046 Zebra plecos.
...infact, my favourite tank is my shrimp only planted tank. I can just watch them swim arround all cute. Its a 20 Long, also :D

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