Shrimp In My 75 Gal?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2008
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Hey guys, was just curious... I mean kinda seems like an obvious for my fish to eat the shrimp that i would put in my 75 gal tank, right? I want to add live shrimp to the tank, but im worried that my fish will eat them. What are the possibilities? I have:

2 Bala Sharks
2 Silver Dollars
5 Community Fish (forgot name)
1 Other, forgot name as well X_X
2 Plecos
1 Peacock Eel
1 Black Ghost Knife Fish

Biggest being my Bala at around 6"
They would be eaten without a doubt, the eel and BGK would definitely go for them
It always worries me when people don't know the name of their fish. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
The general rule is if the shrimp will fit in a fishes mouth then it will be eaten.

I would of though dwarf shrimp like cherrys would definatly be eaten. Anamo shrimp are slightly bigger and may fare better but would probably go the same way.

Fan shrimp (like bamboo shrimp) get bigger than the algae eaters but would need lots of places to hide when they shed their shell or they would end up as lunch too. They need a mature tank as well, as they feed off micro nutrients that don't exist in newly setup tanks.
I saw a very large shrimp called a"Blue Prawn" in the pet store the other day that may work in your setup, he was about 4-6" long, in fact he mat eat small fish himself.
Hmm, well of course the obvious is stated, doh! lol Well, as for the name of my fish, the only reason i dont remember is because they were some weird name ive never seen before, but its ok, they are just small Tropical Community fish, no bigger than 3 inch. Ahh well, seems like I should make a small tank just for shrimp breeding then. Parents will kill me if they see another tank in the house =X but eh, I'll see what I can do then ^_^

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