Shrimp Id...

Invader Xan

Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
500 Million Years BC
Can anyone tell me what this guy might be?


I think he's a ghost of some kind, but I'm not entirely certain... He doesn't seem to hover much -- like ghosts apparently do -- but I don't know much about ghosts. He behaves a lot like a macro, liking to hide underneath the big piece of wood that he's sitting on in that picture.

He also seems quite territorial, though he's made no move to attack any of my amanos. He has had a couple of minor skirmishes with my Macro. Lanchesteri though. Being the largest shrimp in the tank (just under an inch and a half long), he always wins. :)
He just looks like what my lfs call a ghost shrimp, but im not sure about the scientific name, sorry.
But id say ghost shrimp.
Whoops - sorry wrong post. Not a clue what type of ghost shrimp I'm afraid.

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