Shrimp Id Please


Fish Herder
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Teesside, North East England
I bought one of these guys as a 'Green Shrimp' which had eggs ready. After a bit of a disaster i only have three which are adult size now. No idea what they are though. They aren't showing signs of breeding either, so it would be good to try and get some more


This one has darker lines

They all have this line down them

both together
looks like an Amano to me.
bamboo shrimp imo
they don't look to have filters, do they filter feed, Rye?
Based on google image search they look closer to Amano than Bamboo...
Really don't think it's amano, they;re more see-through with dotted and dashed lines down the side. The markings are really different. It might be the camera but they are more of a light colour. i don't know what a 'green shrimp' is, i've seen them advertised and feared they might be some kind of dyed amano, but i don;t think so. So maybe your shrimp are green shrimp plain and simple? Whatever they are... :)
Hi Ryefish, i think they could be 'Minami shrimp' some sort of Neocaridina species. :)
Hey all, thanks for the replies.
They don't filter feed. I thought they were amano shrimp, but i don't think the colouration or patterns fit. I also thought bamboo too, but i was looking yesterday and don't think so. They are larger than my cherry shrimp (they are only about 2/3 the size of these ones).

I took the photo's at the largest format, so heres a crop of each colouration/lines (pictures are large)


Ive seen them go a blue colour when they get stressed out, but i don't know if thats just from all shrimps
I've got one of these! They got mixed into a bag of Amano that I bought about a year ago by mistake. They're tough little cookies and take no truck from the cherries. He (or she)is a great little character and is always flitting around the tank.

I'd love to get more but I don't know what they it is! Sorry

Would love to find out tho

Have a look at Minami? It looks similar
yay, glad im not the only one who has these and has no idea what they are :lol: Minami looked similar but im not sure about the size of them? I know these guys are bigger than my cherries and i read somewhere that the minami's are wild cherry shrimps? :blink:
How about 'green lace shrimp' (atyoida pilipes)? They grow to 2-3 inches and pics i've seen look very similar to your shrimp. The eyes on yours look strange though, not like anything i've seen.
Looks like one of my Amano Shrimp


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