Shrimp & Goby Symbiosis


Fish Fanatic
Jun 21, 2004
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I originally had a wheelers shrimp goby and pistol shrimp, they were really animated burrowing and digging etc..

Sadly the goby jumped out b4 i had a chance to put a lid on :X

I found a hifin blackray goby, which looked great, so hoping he would pair up with my lonely shrimp I bought him. A month passed, altho the shrimp and goby were in the same area of the tank, they just weren't doing the burrow thing..

Not sure the if shrimp was still alive, I found a fantastic tiger pistol shrimp, and guess what, they paired up and they dig around all day, and the hifin hovers just like he should and the tiger digs all around him..
but.. the smaller plain pistol shrimp (yellowish not sure what type) is still alive doing fine.

So It was interesting how the hifin just wouldn't pair with the plain pistol but took to the tiger pistol no problems?!?, wierd huh.. anyway here they are!!>>


The goby was feeling a bit worried hence being right ontop of the slighlty ballsee tiger shrimp

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