Shrimp Feeding Time In My 55 Ltr Hex


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
Devon - UK
just posting a quick pic of some of the shrimps in my 55 ltr hex during feeding time


thanks sarah x
Cool, what are they eating?

That female has a lot of eggs!

they're eating tetra variety wafers (the mini ones) was a normal feed day lol ( i have normal feed days and treat feed days ) i feed them every other day
most of the females in the hex seem to carry lots and lots of eggs - more than in the other tanks
i think maybe cos nobody is nibbling at them lol (in my other community tanks the fish try and pinch the eggs off the shrimps as they swim around)

The pygmy corys and the brigitte rasboras ignore the shrimp totally even the newborn ones so it's really like a shrimp tank with some guests lol
I'm going to have to start thining it out in there soon :blink:
Are they wood shimps?
they got claws or fans i used to have some wood ones but they kinda look like that but with a light strip.
Are they hard to keep?

one of the easiest shrimp to keep just need good water - as all of them do
java moss bit of bogwood and your off
they breed really easily aswell ;)

shame you're not near taunton as seanie has got lots of these for sale ;)
Thats cool ill have a look round my LFS,
the condition of the tanks in the LFS have started to go down hill there used to be no dead fissh in any of the tanks and no real visable problems but now there are fish with whitespot,sores,fungus but i will just kep looking at places further away or setup a hospital tank to treat the new fish.
Thats cool ill have a look round my LFS,
the condition of the tanks in the LFS have started to go down hill there used to be no dead fissh in any of the tanks and no real visable problems but now there are fish with whitespot,sores,fungus but i will just kep looking at places further away or setup a hospital tank to treat the new fish.

you also need to make sure you havent and dont use any copper in your tanks as it can kill shrimps
ahh i think my disease treetment has some in it , i stopped using it on thurs and did a 15% water change today tank is 200l
Cool, what are they eating?

That female has a lot of eggs!

they're eating tetra variety wafers (the mini ones) was a normal feed day lol ( i have normal feed days and treat feed days ) i feed them every other day
most of the females in the hex seem to carry lots and lots of eggs - more than in the other tanks
i think maybe cos nobody is nibbling at them lol (in my other community tanks the fish try and pinch the eggs off the shrimps as they swim around)

The pygmy corys and the brigitte rasboras ignore the shrimp totally even the newborn ones so it's really like a shrimp tank with some guests lol
I'm going to have to start thining it out in there soon :blink:

Yeh I notice my galaxy rasbora try that with my amanos eggs.

I found pygmy corys would my eat baby shrimp. Granted they were in a smaller tank(10gal). Whenever my CRS would drop shrimplets they would almost all be gone in a few days. Now that the corys are moved the tank is full of shrimplets.
so how much do they usually fetch then these cherry shrimps cos they sound interesting especially with the breeding side to them and whats the minimun tank size ? or isnt their one ? thanks matt :hyper: :good:
You can get them online for a good price, usually about 1$ per shrimp. I was able to get 30 of them for 30$. You'll find they're often a lot more in stores, usually around 5$ per shrimp. :good:

I would say minimum size is a ten gallon, but it is certainly possible to have them in smaller tanks. If you're new to shrimp the ten is probably going to be a bit easier water-quality wise.
Member on her called drewery sells them for a good price he has his own set prices that are very competitive and you can haggle a bit if you find another deal. Also buying from a member I always think is better as you know the quality of the shrimp will be high rather then a possible mass importation.

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