Shrimp Dropped Eggs?


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA
im pretty sure it must have been a cherry shrimp that dropped them...even though i havent seen any with eggs. i recently took a berried ghost shrimp out but an accident happened and she was fish food :shout: .

anyways, i noticed them when i saw my dwarf puffer eating something other than bloodworms. i was like what the heck! they are kinda green and are floating in a container in my 36 gallon.

are these gona survive? why would she drop them?
They may be unfertilised eggs. If that's the case, they will go mouldy after a few days. You don't mean the eggs are floating on the water surface, do you ????
no they were on the bottom...and are now in a glass container in the tank. wont they turn a diff color if theyre unfertilzed?

i know my ghost shrimps were good because i could see the eyes...its a shame i lost them. ive never had good luck with having shrimps breed
no they were on the bottom...and are now in a glass container in the tank. wont they turn a diff color if theyre unfertilzed?

i know my ghost shrimps were good because i could see the eyes...its a shame i lost them. ive never had good luck with having shrimps breed

How are the eggs now? If they haven't gone bad then it's a good sign. Cherry egg colour can vary a bit. Some start off yellow, some green. They change colour as they mature :)

I used to have no luck with shrimps but now my cherries are breeding prolifically. Good luck with your shrimps :good: Once the first batch of eggs hatch, there's no stopping them :lol:

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