Shrimp Died ;0(


New Member
Oct 13, 2008
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Any reason why 1 of my shirmp may have died last night? I only noticed because one of my other shrimp was pulling at him or trying to eat him.

I have/had 4 Amnio shrimp who have lived very happily in my tank for about 3 months, last night one died it was strange as the others were almost darting round the tank like they were looking for him when i fished him out.

I have checked my water and water is fine, is there any reason why one would just die? Might be a stupid question.

Old age possibly. Had it freshly molted?

Really how old is old age to a shirmp? I have only had him 3 months not sure how long the shop had them for tho.
Yes they have freshly molted.
Some die after being freshly molted from a mineral deficiency are you feeding them shrimp pellets or starving them with only tank algae? Depends on the shrimp an amano should live around 3 years some species like cherries last 8-12 months and the hawaiin (can't remember name) shrimp can live for 3-4 years without food slowly eating there own bodies until starvation :crazy: (thats why you shouldn't buy the ecoballs) but can live for 25+ if your nice to them.
They feed off the fish food i give to the fish and i also give them redworm once a week and also i sometimes put a slice of cucumber for them to munch off.

I do have some red cherries and they have had babies, I can see 2 babies but the 2 adults have dissapeard not seen them for a couple of weeks, maybe they have died?
They feed off the fish food i give to the fish and i also give them redworm once a week and also i sometimes put a slice of cucumber for them to munch off.

I do have some red cherries and they have had babies, I can see 2 babies but the 2 adults have dissapeard not seen them for a couple of weeks, maybe they have died?

I have noticed that my red cherries do much better if they are giving the Algae wafers along with some finely crushed flakes. When I first starting keeping the shrimp they continously died and then someone recommended that they need algae in their diet and that if the flakes did not contain algae the shrimp would not do as well. Now I have about 15 adults and over 20 babies and I have only had these guys a few months. In the morning they are feed a tiny bit of Cichlid flakes since they too contain algae and in the evening they are giving a small piece of algae wafer. Their water is always changed using water from another tank cuz they are soo little I am afraid to put treated fresh tap water. So far so good.
i cant belive none of you have spotted this:

if they are darting around the tank it is down to poor water conditions.! :shout:

how often do you do a w/c and what percentage.

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