Shrimp Compatibilty


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
chester, uk
i am interested i getting some shrimp for my 20l planted community tank which already contains:

5 cardinal tetras,
2 silver sharks,
1 male betta
1 sailfin plec.

i know bettas are not community fish but mine is happy and isnt aggressive.

Anyway, what kind of shrimp would be suitable? and how many should be kept together?
What do you mean by silver sharks? Do you mean Bala sharks? You do realize those get to be 13 inches long right? The Sailfin can get up to 16 inches long. Assuming you really meant 20 liters and not 20 gallons, you have them all in a tank that's 5 gallons and change. Calculating out an inch of fish per gallon, you need a tank five to ten times that size in order to comfortably hold all those fish.

Anyway, cardinals are generally shrimp safe, as are Plecs regardless of size. Bettas all depend on the personality. I have no idea if Bala Sharks are, but considering they get to be 13 inches long, it's pretty clear they will eat your shrimp.
In that case, your tank isn't a death trap, but it's still less than half the suggested size for the inches of fish you have. You need to be prepared to either give away the Bala sharks and the Sailfin, or upgrade to a 55-gallon tank as your fish grow.

You probably could test out a few Amano shrimp and see how they work in there. Be prepared to remove them if the betta or the Bala sharks pester them though. And make sure they have somewhere to hide during molting.
Definatly make sure they have places to hide from other fish as my betta hunts and eats ghost shrimp.

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