Fish Crazy
hi , i have several fish tanks one of which is a 15-20 gallon planted tank containing i panda corry 1 female betta 1 platy 1 female dwarf gourami (small bout an inch) ,1 false flying fox and one african filter shrimp bout 1.5 inchs and 1 ghost shrimp. as you might be able to tell these are the survivors of an old tank as they all were in pairs or groups when bought. So recently i decided to add 7 neon tetras and some shrimp and snails. about 20 cherry and 6 ghost shrimp as well as 10 red ramshorn snails and 5 black mystery snails. I am posting this because i haven't seen any of my shrimp except the ones previous which seem fine, i add a few drops of kent iodine once a week but i haven't seen them since i put them in about 6-7 weeks ago, is this normal or have they been eaten if so by whom?