Shrimp Aplenty! And Free!


Aug 21, 2008
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I live a mile out from the local wetlands.
Whilst out there taking wildlife pictures, I came across a stream going through the middle.
I saw something flicker in the water, and found some shrimp!

Closer inspection there are 1000's of the buggers everywhere!
I think they are "armano?"
I grabed a couple and put them in my quarantine tank. They have been in there for about 2 weeks now and this morning I put them in my 30g tank along with some mollies and a BN pleco.

Will these guys get on here? I have been watching them in the tank all day, and they seem really healthy and active.

Could someone please advise, and ID for me? Cheers.

This is the shrimp:

I'm not sure if they're actually amanos, but if they aren't they're likely one of the related species. They should behave very similar to them, so the difference doesn't matter.

Lucky you, being able to just go out and collect them like that. :lol:
I'm not sure if they're actually amanos, but if they aren't they're likely one of the related species. They should behave very similar to them, so the difference doesn't matter.

Lucky you, being able to just go out and collect them like that. :lol:

Yeah. I wasn't too sure about taking them and putting in my tank, but they seem to be getting on ok!
WOW !!! good find there hun
I want some more :-( - think i might move countries lmao

Sarah xxx
Wow, lucky!
Wish there were places around here where I could find free shrimpies like that! heh

How many did you end up getting?
Wow, lucky!
Wish there were places around here where I could find free shrimpies like that! heh

How many did you end up getting?

Well there were 1000s everywhere, but I only grabbed 2 to "test" it out.
Since creating this post, 1 started to go a redish color and was found upside down in the morning. was hoping it was simply shredding, but it was dead.
The other is doing great! he is cleaning EVERTHING in the tank, and seems to have made jumping buddies with my freshwater bumblebee goby!

Well even if we did get stuff like that in the UK it's illegal to collect them. :rolleyes:

just a note though, quarantine should be for 4 weeks not 2 due to the incubation periods of common diseases, this is especially important if you're getting them from an unknown source such as the wild.

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