Shrimp Advice


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2011
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I bought 6 Red Cherry Shrimp and put them in my tank, I have lots of hiding places and a large tank I couldent see one of them soon after I put them and still today I havent seen one. I'm just wondering if they are hiding or been eaten. My largest fish are my Goriami, next up is the Fire mouth and there only a year old so quite small still.

I am thinking of trying maybe 30+ but advice needed, it's just one of those things I havent had before.
Anyone think I should or shouldent add a fair few shrimp in, not sure on these.
Either option would be very possible. Red cherry shrimp do hide a but especially after acclimisation and molting. However, they could have very well been eaten most likely by the firemouth. How big were the shrimp when you put them in?
Size, erm I would guess about 1/2". the Firemouth are still small at about 2 1/2" and a year old.

Not 100% sure what to do:

I've had Blue Lobsters, ADF and such but never tried Shrimp. Thought they would be an intresting feature as I am going more community and could do with some Alga eaters and want something strange. I do have BN Pleco aswell so not looking for more Catfish/Pleco.
Snails and plecos do a better job with algae IMO. Yea, shrimp with pick at the plants and eat algea on them but not so much a noticeable amount unless you have loads of them. Have you tried turning a few things over and looking for them?
6 shrimp in a large tank with a possible predatory fish swimming around, good luck finding them. I would use a piece of courgette in the evening when the lights have just turned off to draw them out.

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