Shredded Male


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2002
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I have a 120 litre community tank, one of the residents is Tyson, my beautifull fighting fish, the most docile and friendly fish you could wish for. :rolleyes:
About 3 months ago I decided to add a female to keep him company. The proviso with my LFS was I could bring the female back if she did not get on with Tyson. Happily they completely ignored each other and all was sweetness and light until a couple of days ago, when the female started "having a go" at Tyson. I woke up this morning to find Tysons beautifull tail and fins shredded. :sad: The female was immediately banged up in the breeding net to protect Tyson and give him some peace and quiet.
My question is...............
What went wrong!!!? -_-
Deffinately a strange one this,

I though it was normally the male that would go for the female??? :unsure:

Both male and female bettas can be aggressive and that's why usually males are housed in separate tanks. A female betta will often aggressively attack a disinterested male when she's ready to breed but he's not. I've even heard of bettas tearing off the lips of other bettas. Any time you put a male and female in the same tank, you have to be prepared for something happening--doesn't mean it always will, only usually it will. Consider yourself lucky because bettas have been known to kill another betta. I had one perfectly healthy female that was attacked and killed by 2 other tankmate females one night who took a suddenly dislike to her. Female bettas can often be kept together (although there's always going to be seriously nasty females that need to be isolated), but a male and female in the same tank will always need to be closely watched so you can jump in when things turn mean.

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