show your oscar off


name: Oscar
age: ?
type: Grouch
size: around 3' (estimated as I don't see him out of his can often)

sorry, I couldn't resist... :p
I'm not yet talented enough to post pics... so I had to go with links... but here's mine!!

name: YerOscar (my girlfriend said she wanted him and claimed I said it was okay… thus the name ‘YerOscar’ was born)
age:5 months
type: Red Tiger
size: 6 inch (6.5 now though!)
Click here To See Him!!!

name: Whitey
age:5 months
type: Albino Tiger
size: 6 inch (6.5 now though!)
Click Here To See Him!!!

name: Ugly (when they were babies… she was the biggest and ugliest one)
age:5 months
type: Red Tiger
size: 5 inch (5.5 now though!)
Click Here To See Her!!!

And here are my Pacus they are housed with... It's just such a cute pic I had to post it.
Click Here To See Them!!!
holy crap nc, that pic is adorable! you totally should crop that and use it for your sig!

considering the types of replies this request would get on a non-"family friendly" forum, Sesame Street should be the least of one's worries :rofl:

i'm reminded of that old 7up commercial... "show us your cans!"
Name: Aristotle
Age: Almost 7 months
Type: Common
Size: 6"



Here he is as a little 2" baby! :wub:
I also agree that picture was amazing. I would make it into your sig or something.
Name: none

Age: About a 18 months

Type: Red

Size: In the picture about 10 inches, now 10 moths later about 12 inches and much thicker bodied.

Name: None!!
Age: No idea, but I've had him for about 9 months!
Type: Red Oscar
Size: about 11" and FAT as hell!!!

If you want to see more pics of him click here
Oh yeah; sorry the picture is a bit big!!!


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