Show Quality Bettas?


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2006
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Just wonderin..
What makes a betta 'show quality?' Where do these events take place? Does anyone here have a show quality betta?
well there are differant classes of betta and tail types est.. typically color and finage are taken into account, but i have never been to one of these shows so im uncertain myself. i know our mod Wuv enters her bettas into shows, she would know.
What makes a betta show quality depends on what class it is in, but generally you want overall symmetry with a proportional body-fin ratio; you don't want fins that are too heavy. With long-finned varieties, the better the finnage fits into a perfect circle, the better. You don't want any of the unpaired fins to be longer than any other. For example, this guy has good even finnage, whereas this guy's anal fin is obviously too long. Each colour class as its own standards and a handbook of standards is available to IBC members online :nod:

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