should there be nitrAte in an established tank?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
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I thought i'd got to grips with the nitrogen cycle .... at last, but after a visit to lfs today, i'ts thrown me totally.

I thought that if there were 0 nitrItes and small positive nitrAtes ( under 40) then all is well.

My lfs has said today that there really should be 0 NitrItes and 0 NitrAtes.
I thought that a small amount of nitrAtes were required to fight the nitrItes. :crazy:

whats going on?? please can someone clarify the situation for me.

Do I need nitrAtes or not?

:no: :nod:

Thanks in advance

Some tanks have some. All mine are planted so there is none. But people have different views on it, some say there has to be and some say there shouldn't be. But as long as fish are healthy, that is what matters.
It is exceedingly rare to have 0ppm nitrAtes, it only happens if your tank is heavily planted. A small amount of nitrAte is normal, and does not hurt your fish. The lower the better, however. I keep mine around 10; for some people this isn't practical cos they have nigh nitrates in their tapwater.

However, nitrates are not required to fight nitrite. bacteria get rid of nitrite. the only usefulness of nitrAte in the aquarium is as plant food. :)

What are the nitrAte readings in your tank? If they are below 40ppm you should be ok *unless* you have really sensitive fish.

I hope that's clarified things a bit. :)
:D thanks very much for explaining that. My nitrAte reading is about 12 so all is well.

thanks again

12 is a good level of nitrates. You can go above 50 and still not affect the health of fishes, although you should do more frequent water changes (or/and more in volume) if it gets to that level. High nitrate level can also stunt the growth of fries...

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