Should my Saltwater Tank smell bad?


New Member
May 24, 2004
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I have a 75 Gallon saltwater tank and the water smells really really really bad. my water is in check and my PH is 8.1, Amonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate are all at 0PPM. I feed my Lionfish and My snowflake eel Frozen Lancefish and I soak the fish in Garlic and other vitamines. Could it be the food that I am feeding them? As for hardware I'm using a Prizim protein Skimmer, Fluval 404, and I also have a couple of power heads for water movement. I also have about 3 to 4 inches of crushed coral for subtrate.

Thanks for your help.
a tank should have no smell at all.
its possible its the garlic, but I doubt it.
one thing you could try is activated carbon, it can take odors out of the
there is a school of thought, which I happen to subscribe to, that you don't have more than about an inch of substrate. The smell is definitely coming from your food, especially if nothing is dead in your tank. I agree with the water change. Slow down on the food and make a change in the type. good luck.

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