Should My Bristlenose Be Spawning


Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
London, UK
One of my female bns had her first spawn whilst I was away on holiday and when i got back i notices one of the males guarding the slate cave. I now have about 10 3-4 week old bn babies! My bn community consists of 2 adult males, 1 adult female, 1 juvie female and 2 male juvies - which I know isnt ideal.

So for the past 5 days or so I have noticed that the adult female looks to be very gravid and is quite inactive. I have tried doing a cooler water change to encourage a spawn, but dont know whether i should try anything else. Could having too many males in the tank mean that none of them are interested so to speak?

I plan on moving at least 2 of the males to another tank shortly...
Tank is 130L with 2 clay pots and 1 slate cave
She is looking very fat at the moment and not very active at all! Not sure if she is getting ready to spawn or something else is amiss.

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