Should I?

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  • Stick with 4.

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Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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So i have a 2ft tank with guppies in and 4 corys. I as wondering if i should get 2 more next weekend to see if they will ever spawn again.
So i was going to ask you all.

Alessa x.
So 2 more would fit in with what i already have?

Alessa x.
adding 2 more corys wont make them spawn but it will make them happier and more active. fish will spawn when they want when they feel safe and secure and happy, you can change endless amounts of water adding cooler, feed bloodworm, turn the heater off etc etc etc etc but corys will spawn in their own time. by adding a couple more you could upset the group for a while until they all find their ground but knowing corys they will get on like a house on fire.....
I know it won't make them spawn but it will make them happier. I just thought with a larger group they would feel more secure with the guppies always mooching around the bottom and scaring them off.

Alessa x.
I know it won't make them spawn but it will make them happier. I just thought with a larger group they would feel more secure with the guppies always mooching around the bottom and scaring them off.

Alessa x.
it will be better for them as they are a shoaling fish, the more the merrier. but i wouldnt go more than 6 in a 2ft tank. be patient if they have spawned once im sure they will again, it may be a week a month 2 months etc etc. they will do it in their own time
I wasn't planning on getting more than 6. Just the 6 would be fine for me. They would be a mix of normal bronze corys and hi-fin bronze corys. Both the same colour but different fin types. The four i already have get on great. I have identified them as 2 males and 2 females now.
The males share the turned over flower pot together even though they look very cramped in there. The females have kicked the males out from under the filter. They tend to be grouped together but it's definitely2 males and 2 females. the 2 i think are females are abit fatter round the stomach than the 2 i think are males.

Alessa x.

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