Should I Use An Air Diffuser?


New Member
Jun 18, 2007
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i have a Ehim 2210 internal filtr and it came with an air diffuser but prefer not to use it because its noisey and makes the water look dirty because of the amount of tiny bubbles that shoot out of the pump nozzle when the diffuser is attatched.

does the diffusr have any affect on the water or is it pointless havung it on?
the diffuser is there to put oxygen in the water if you have an air pump it shouldnt be a problem unless maybe you have a big tank Do you have an air pump if so how many airstones and what litre is your tank hope this helps
i do have an airstone and my tank is 55 liters.

also what would be the best way to clean the filter and how oftern? i ask this because i cleaned it today and as soon as i pulled it out of the water a LOAD of waste fell into the tank.
the best way to clean the filter is to take the whole filter out get a bowl full or your tank water the take the sponge out then wash it in the tank water so you dont kill all the good bacteria in it also you dont need the air deffuser with both the airstones on i have one for my tank and have never used it
depends i usely clean mine when the flow is really slow but to replace the filter media i do when it has worn out
never clean the filter, just the pad. also never clean the sponge.

if your filter moves alot of water on the surface, also known as serface agatation, then you shouldnt need an air stone or difuser. also if you have live plants then you dont need eather one.

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